Crownfield Infant and Nursery School

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Crownfield Infant and Nursery School

  1. Parent Info
  2. Parent View

Parent View

Your views are important to the school, feedback from our regular parent surveys have shown us how parents value the work that we do at Crownfield Nursery & Infant School. We would love you to share this with Ofsted so please click on the link below to share your views.

On a yearly basis we conduct a parent and child survey as its important for us to hear the views of both parents and children. Below is some of the feedback given to us.  

Parents Survey Quotes


  • "My daughter feels safe and enjoys being with her teachers"  
  • "The fact that all staff care so deeply about the children and about the learning experiences that are provided for them. It is rare to find a school which makes learning so fun, engaging, memorable and relevant to each child. My children are safe, nurtured and challenged at Crownfield and the staff go above and beyond for the children who attend this wonderful school, and their families as well."  
  • "My child loves going to Nursery. I am happy with the progress she is making. Staff are very nice and any queries are answered very quickly."  
  • "Welcoming, inclusive, always looking to do what's best for the children such as trips, events like bedtime stories, class parties, dress up days and teaching children respect and use kind words"  
  • "I am really proud of my daughter and her progress in this school. It's wonderful to see her improving day by day and I'm grateful for the supportive community that is helping her reach her goals. Thank you all for that. This school is a great place for learning and growth"  
  • "The school go above and beyond to make sure the children learn and have fun in a safe, secure, friendly and supportive environment.''
  • "Friendly and approachable teachers. Children encouraged to participate in a variety of activities and learn about different cultures and topics. Regular communication via the newsletter.."