Crownfield Infant and Nursery School

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Crownfield Infant and Nursery School

  1. Statutory Info
  2. Curriculum
  3. P.E



At Eling Infant School and Nursery we provide children with physical opportunities in a fun and exciting way. We recognise the importance of childrens postural development, co-ordination and dexterity, as well as teaching sport specific skills. Our broad, balanced and engaging PE curriculum tries to ensure that all children have a lifelong participation and an embedded love of sports. Understanding the importance of exercise, mental well-being and the need for a healthy, balanced lifestyle is covered through PE sessions and cross curricular links with Science and PSHE. Children experience a variety of team games, co-operating and competing fairly to understand their own and each others role in the game. Building this awareness is crucial to their success.

Our intention is to provide engaging sports opportunities that allow children to challenge themselves so they become better learners and have the skills and confidence to participate in a range of sports. 


Implementation in the Foundation Stage


Physical Education in the Foundation Stage encompasses structured physical education sessions inside and numerous free flow activities using the outside area. Outside, children enjoy using the climbing apparatus, moving freely around the playground, using the bikes and trikes as well as more focused activities such as throwing a ball or skipping and balancing. Children learn how to move confidently in a variety of ways. Children use small and large equipment to deveop their fine and gross motor skills to gain control and co-ordination in large and small movements. Through games they learn to adjust their speed or direction to safely negotiate space. This year Year R have had external tennis coaching. They have also had taught dance sessions and coaching provided by the Chelsea Foundation.


Implementation in Key Stage One


In Key Stage One the children experience a multi-skills approach that ensures that they have transferrable and sports specific skills. This academic year the children have received their games sessions from R and R, providing motivating sessions for the adults and children alike. These sessions cover a range of sports including cricket and football. The children have also received  tennis coaching from the local tennis centre. Children are taught gymnastics as part of the Real gym program in which staff are trained to deliver. Using the PE funding we have received gymnastic, dance, tennis , cricket and swim coaching. There have been competitive opportunities for children to participate in including cross country, football, tennis, cricket and multisports.


Sports day at Eling is a real community affair with all the children joining in from Nursery to Year 2. We even include parents, teachers and other key adults. The day is supported by the local secondary schools Sports Leaders. 


We firmly believe a strong mind and healthy body at a very young age will enhance each child's ability to succeed in life and become responsible citizens in our challenging global society. We believe that sport provides physical, social and emotional well being for our children and it is our aim to foster attitudes of enjoyment, participation, challenge and a love of physical activity for its own sake.



We hope that children will have the want and confidence to try new sports. The skills to work as part of a team. The motivation to challenge themselves both against others and to keep self improving. Children will enjoy sport and see it as an enjoyable experience which will lead to a lifelong love of PE. They will understand that sport is good for their social, emotional and physical well being. 


Swimming- A skill for life

The children in year 2 have the opportunity to learn to swim competently, confidently and proficiently. 

Medium Term Plans

 New Nursery Medium term plan.pdfDownload
 New Reception Medium term plan.pdfDownload
 New Year 1 Medium term plan.pdfDownload
 New Year 2 Medium term plan..pdfDownload
Showing 1-4 of 4

Long Term Plans

 Nursery Long Term Plan.pdfDownload
 Reception Long Term Plan.pdfDownload
 Year 1 Long Term Plan.pdfDownload
 Year 2 Long Term Plan.pdfDownload
Showing 1-4 of 4