Crownfield Infant and Nursery School

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Crownfield Infant and Nursery School

  1. Statutory Info
  2. Curriculum
  3. Geography


The national curriculum states ‘A high-quality geography education should inspire in pupils a curiosity and fascination about the world and its people’ therefore the intent for Geography is to ensure that all children have a cultural knowledge of their diverse planet as well as environmental knowledge. ‘As pupils progress, their growing knowledge about the world should help them to deepen their understanding of the interaction between physical and human processes, and of the formation and use of landscapes and environments.’


At Crownfield Infants, we teach our children how to make sense of the world around them by developing their ability to observe, question and analyse the environment around them and beyond. We expect Geography to show our children that everyone has a responsibility for our planet’s stainability and future.

 At Crownfields Infants a typical Geography lesson will provide the opportunity for all children as:

Lesson objectives are taken from the National Curriculum statutory guidelines and activities are differentiated. Our children have access to a range of good quality resources such as globes, atlas, tablets and laptops. We make cross-curricular links with our termly topics, local area and current affairs. Links are made, where relevant and purposeful, between foundation and core subjects. We provide our children with field work opportunities both beyond and within the school grounds. We explore key geographical words every lesson to deepen our children’s vocabulary and address any misconceptions. We ensure children are confident geographers who are not afraid to ask questions about what they see happening in their local area.



Lessons are planned and sequenced so that new knowledge and skills build on what has been taught before. Teachers use planning and resources from Plan B scheme of work to help assist with own planning of Geography lessons. The school is embedding the Global Goals into their geography lessons to promote diversity and understand stainability. The school is currently in a partnership with Bangladesh schools through the British Council. Crownfields is currently working in a Havering Cluster with an Asian Cluster of teachers to promote the global goals. The children will have the opportunity to message the children in the Bangladesh schools and ask questions about their environment and cultures. Together they will work on a project for clean water and energy. Teachers explore key geographical words every lesson to deepen our children’s vocabulary and address any misconceptions. International Week is held every year as an engaging and immersive event for children to learn and experience different cultures and traditions around the world. Field work skills are enhanced through school trips. Year 2 children also use their coach journey to their weekly swimming lesson to observe their local area and develop map reading skills. To promote writing at length in Geography, each term a piece of Geography work from each year group is selected to be presenting the Geography Stars book and displayed at the front of the school for parents. This is an incentive for the children and a way to communicate their learning with their parents.

Environment: A geography display in the main building to promote children’s work, with key works that are relevant to KS1 and EYFS. A colourful and inviting map of the UK displayed at eye level in every classroom. Teachers refer to this when possible during lessons.

Upcycle Club – Children have the opportunity to use waste items to create pieces of art. Children discuss the importance of recycling and taking care of the environment.

 Eco Warriors: Two children are selected from each class to help with the school’s sustainability and help teach others about the importance of looking after our environments.

 School Grounds Day: Every year the children bring in a plant, seed or bulb and can plant it in the schools ground using the correct tools and choosing the best location.



At Crownfields Infants school we expect that by the end of KS1 our children:

 Will have a strong knowledge and appreciation of their local area and country.

 Will be global citizens with an embedded sense of responsibility for our planet.

 Will be able to communicate with others all around the world with respect and liberty.

 Will have the skills to enquire, observe and analyse the natural world and how it changes over time.

 Will have a secure knowledge of using maps and atlas to search for different locations.

 In order for this to happen, the Geography leader takes responsibility for the monitoring of the Geography curriculum and the standards achieved by the children. The Geography leader will monitor for appropriate pitch and progression at least once every term. This monitoring takes the form of:

 Lesson observations and feedback in each year group per term

Learning walks and pupil voice conversations.

Planning scrutiny followed by support where necessary.

Book scrutiny every term.

Termly data analysis and subject report to Governors.


Research Project on Mexico

The children were set a research project on Mexico - look what Thea A produced!

Well done from your Teachers

 Nursery Medium Term Plan.pdfDownload
 Reception Medium Term Plan.pdfDownload
 Year 1 Medium Term Plan..pdfDownload
 Year 2 Medium Term Plan.pdfDownload
Showing 1-4 of 4

Long Term Plan

 Geography Long Term planning.pdfDownload
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